
The HKU-UBS Sustainable and Social Innovation Leadership Programme (SSILP) is a joint initiative co-developed by the Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong and UBS.  SSILP aims to nurture current and future nonprofit leaders to enhance the effective functioning of non-profit organizations.


NGOs play a prominent role in developing society, improving communities and promoting the well-being of all. Leaders in NGOs are the key drivers who direct, shape, strategise, and energise the team to achieve these organisations’ missions. However, in Hong Kong, with the recent retirement tide of the baby-boomer generation and the increase in immigration of middle-age professionals to other countries, many local NGOs face challenges of a succession plan and have to appoint relatively green leaders.

In view of the situation, there is a timely need to nurture this new or future generation of NGO leaders to maintain the effective functioning of the NGOs, which will benefit society as a whole eventually. Hence the HKU-UBS Sustainable and Social Innovation Leadership Programme was launched in 2022.

Mission & Vision

The overall missions of HKU-UBS (SSILP) are:

Build capacity and competence of NPO current and future leaders

Develop network and collaborations among NPOs, Philanthropies, Public Sector and Academics

Incubate and innovate new projects that are sustainable.

SSILP envisions to strengthen ties between academia, corporates and the non-profit sector. Together, we can create a more cohesive approach to social change and make a lasting impact in Hong Kong and other Greater Bay Area cities.