Ms. Natalie Char

Ms. Natalie CHAR

Senior Manager, Philanthropy Programme The Swire Group Charitable Trust

Natalie brings over a decade of experience in grantmaking, supporting NGOs and social enterprises from seed funding through their growth stages. In her role as Senior Manager of the Philanthropy Programme at John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Limited, she manages the portfolio of the Swire Group Charitable Trust, working to create lasting positive change in the community.

As a chartered accountant by training, Natalie leverages her financial expertise to enhance philanthropic initiatives. She is actively involved with the Hong Kong Federation of Women’s Centres, where she previously served on the executive committee and now contributes to the finance committee. During her tenure, she has witnessed the organization grow robustly, doubling its initial annual income.

Passionate about collaboration, Natalie believes that bringing together diverse sectors is key to creating meaningful social impact. She feels fortunate to be inspired every day by the remarkable individuals and organizations she encounters, which fuels her commitment to making a difference.

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