Ms. Queenie Man

Ms. Queenie MAN

Founder and CEO, The Project Futurus; Managing Director, Forward Living; Managing Director, Culture Homes; Member, Elderly Commission

Queenie Man is the Founder & CEO of The Project Futurus, a social enterprise that is committed to promoting the future of aging. She is also the Managing Director at Forward Living Senior Community and Culture Homes responsible for elderly service development and customer experience design.

Queenie had worked as a global brand strategist prior to joining the eldercare industry. Since joining Culture Homes, Queenie has rebranded the Company and transformed how human care is designed with new initiatives such as senior community “Forward Living” and “The Living Gallery”.

Combining her insights and experiences in both branding and elderly services, Queenie believes in connecting people through social design and meaningful experiences and creating shared value. In 2019, she established The Project Futurus hoping to transform the way people perceive aging through advocacy, education, and community service, while making aging relevant to the consumers of

tomorrow through products, service and social innovation. Queenie also established “Captain Softmeal” (軟餐俠) to raise awareness on dysphagia health and created “Sensory Restaurant on Wheels” (流動五感大茶樓) for elders living with dementia. Queenie is a KODW and TedX speaker and was awarded

“Tatler Asia Gen.T List 2022”, “Jessica Most Successful Women 2021”, and “Prestige’s Hong Kong’s Top Female Entrepreneurs”.

Other Trainers

Cheryl Chiu., Phd – Department Of Social Work And Social Administ

Prof. Cheryl H.K. CHUI

Co-director, HKU-UBS SSILP​; Associate Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration,​ HKU​
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Ms. Esther Tsang

Ms. Esther TSANG

Executive Director and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Strategy Lead APAC, UBS
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