Steering Committee and Team

Ms. Sindy LEUNG

Director, Programs and Volunteering, UBS Social Impact & Philanthropy, Greater China

Sindy is currently working as Social Impact & Philanthropy Program and Volunteering Manager for Greater China at UBS, overseeing employee engagement programs and grants making in Hong Kong, Taiwan, China and Korea. She started her career as tax analyst in UBS London.

Since 2010, she has been actively involved in youth engagement and women empowerment. Apart from being the co-chair of board of director to Hong Kong Momtrepreneurs, she is also a member of Asia Pacific Young Leaders, programme and fund-raising committee of the Dragon Foundation which connects ethnic Chinese from all over the world, advisor to DragoNation, alumni association of the Dragon Foundation, advisor to Hong Kong Association of Business and Professional Women, member of the Standing Committee of HKUST Convocation.

Sindy graduated from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology with a degree in Economics and Finance. Sindy is a mother of two.

Other Steering Committee and Team


Prof. Lucy JORDAN

Founding Co-director, HKU-UBS SSILP; Head, Social Work, James Cook University; Honorary Professor, The University of Hong Kong
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Prof Amy Chow – Department Of Social Work And Social Administrati

Prof. Amy Y.M. CHOW

Co-director, HKU-UBS SSILP​; Head, Department of Social Work and Social Administration,​ HKU​
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