Children’s mental health in Hong Kong is a pressing issue. A survey by CUHK in 2024 states that mental illness among primary and secondary school students has tripled in five years. This project aims to increase P.4-P.6 primary students’ understanding about mental health and to reduce risk for children having a parent with poor mental health. The goals will be met by 1) providing gamified interactive exhibits and supportive groups, 2) developing children-friendly interactive educational materials, 3) collaborate with an established eMental health platform to provide selfassessment tools and online resources for children and parents to use in the long run. Project targets to serve 10 primary schools to provide 30 sessions of interactive exhibits and groups and to reach 2040 persons. It is expected that children’s mental health literacy will be raised, and early prevention and intervention could be made possible. This will prevent them from suffering mental illness and reduce medical cost in the long-run.
Emotionland – Children Mental Health Education Project

Ms. Oi Ying SIU
Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service (Registered NGO)
Mentors (UBS and Alumni)