Intergeneration Exchanging Album Playbook (跨代交換相簿遊戲書)

E Web Goal 03
E Web Goal 04
E Web Goal 10
Ms. Ivy Tiu

Ms. Ivy TIU
Rolling Books

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The proposal is to publish a camera-like playbook and create a 6-months pilot project that connects different generations. The program aims to foster intergenerational understanding and collaboration by encouraging participants to document their daily lives through pictures with short narratives, which will be shared with other participants across different age groups.

Mentors (UBS and Alumni)

Jo Hayes


CEO of Habitat for Humanity Hong Kong
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Ada Wat

Ms. Ada WAT

Executive Director, Equity Capital Markets, Global Banking, UBS
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Brendan Tu

Mr. Brendan TU

Head of ESG Advisory Asia Pacific & Chairman of General Industrials Group Asia, UBS
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