Many working disability caregivers, people with either full-time or part-time occupations who are also caregivers of people with disabilities, are vulnerable to mental health issues. This pilot project aims to cultivate a compassionate community by providing emotional support for this group of “beneficiaries”. Retired disability caregivers are considered ideal “companions” for these beneficiaries due to their increased free time and vicarious experience. Through training by mental health professionals, the companions can gain the knowledge and skills needed to offer support through compassion to the beneficiaries. The companions who have demonstrated satisfactory commitment will be invited to form a committee, managing the administrative work and training for future groups, ensuring the project’s sustainability.
Shall We Talk – A Pilot Project on Cultivating a Compassionate Community for Working Disability Caregivers
Audience Choice Award

Mr. Tak Hong Roberto LAW
Fu Hong Society (Registered NGO)
Mentors (UBS and Alumni)