Steering Committee and Team

Prof Amy Chow – Department Of Social Work And Social Administrati

Prof. Amy Y.M. CHOW

Co-director, HKU-UBS SSILP​; Head, Department of Social Work and Social Administration,​ HKU​

Prof. Lucy JORDAN

Founding Co-director, HKU-UBS SSILP; Head, Social Work, James Cook University; Honorary Professor, The University of Hong Kong
Cheryl Chiu., Phd – Department Of Social Work And Social Administ

Prof. Cheryl H.K. CHUI

Co-director, HKU-UBS SSILP​; Associate Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration,​ HKU​
Rob Stewart


Steering Committee, HKU-UBS SSILP​; Head Corporate Communications APAC, UBS​

Ms. Ming GENG

Steering Committee, HKU-UBS SSILP; Head of Social Impact and Philanthropy, Greater China, UBS

Ms. Sindy LEUNG

Director, Programs and Volunteering, UBS Social Impact & Philanthropy, Greater China

Dr. Ke LU

Lecturer; Deputy Programme Director, Master of Nonprofit Management, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong

Ms. Nicole LAW

Programme Officer
About Ssilp (1)

Ms. Yuhe GU

Research Assistant