Steering Committee and Team

Prof. Amy Y.M. CHOW
Co-director, HKU-UBS SSILP; Head, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, HKU

Prof. Lucy JORDAN
Founding Co-director, HKU-UBS SSILP; Head, Social Work, James Cook University; Honorary Professor, The University of Hong Kong

Prof. Cheryl H.K. CHUI
Co-director, HKU-UBS SSILP; Associate Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, HKU

Ms. Ming GENG
Steering Committee, HKU-UBS SSILP; Head of Social Impact and Philanthropy, Greater China, UBS

Ms. Sindy LEUNG
Director, Programs and Volunteering, UBS Social Impact & Philanthropy, Greater China

Dr. Ke LU
Lecturer; Deputy Programme Director, Master of Nonprofit Management, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong