Peer Empowerment for Elevated Resilience (PEER Project)

E Web Goal 10
E Web Goal 11
E Web Goal 17
Psx 20210620 003307 20 1

Mr. Alexander PFORTE
Branches of Hope

Home Branches Of Hope

We propose training and equipping survivors of human trafficking and labor exploitation to become culture and language tutors, so that they can prepare refugees and asylum seekers in Hong Kong for home country reintegration.

This innovative approach would create an empowering peer-to-peer learning environment and a synergy between the two flagship Branches of Hope (BOH) programs. The project responds to increased forced repatriation cases from the government’s removal policy, and will ease the transition home for displaced families through cultural and language training.

Simultaneously, it provides migrant workers development opportunities through training with corporate volunteers and delivery of language and culture classes.

Mentors (UBS and Alumni)

Athena Wong

Ms. Athena WONG

Head of Governmental & Regulatory Affairs APAC, UBS
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Amy Lo

Mrs. Amy LO

Co-Head Wealth Management Asia Pacific, UBS Global Wealth Management, Head and Chief Executive, UBS Hong Kong
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Jonathan Liu

Mr. Jonathan LIU

Executive Director, HOPE worldwide (China & HK)
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